Since we were little kids, we brothers have been playing and singing together in one way or another. We share just about everything, and a lot of that everything is music.
It started at our house in Green Bay, Wisconsin, sometime after the Packers’ golden years. Our long-suffering parents tolerated a lot of racket in the basement, which started us on that fateful, no-turning-back music road.
In the early days, our music motors were fueled by the jukebox mix we heard in the restaurants, and the tunes played on our very local and beloved WDUZ. It was very cool, because the radio station was playing pretty much every kind of music: Zeppelin, Beatles, Santana, oldies, Motown, country and even swing and doo-wop made it to the playlist and directly to our brains.
Jock has always been the guitar master, and Jeb the drummer dude. Many bands, among them the heavy-but-doomed Woeful Existence, the harmonious Antique Shoppe, the jazzy, horn-a-plenty Community, the sometimes psychedelic-jam band Steak Nite, and the almost famous On The Edge featured the two of us in this format.
Sometime during what we call the middle period, Jeb began to play the guitar. Having a built-in teacher at arm’s length--Jock--helped make the transition seamless (if somewhat painful for Jock).
The same period found us coming to the conclusion that brotherhood was not something to hide, but rather, to feature. The two of us were always singing in bands, yet we had never really featured our natural sibling vocal blend. The combination of two guitars, two vocals and two brothers was an idea whose time had come. At last, the obstacles to success began to disappear. We headed east and picked up a publishing deal on the way.
We finally made it to New York City, after a successful five-year band and van tour of the Northeast’s premier beer venues. After a stint with the excellent, but ill-fated, On The Edge, we struck out on our own as The Guthrie Brothers and soon landed our big record deal. Unfortunately, our label closed its doors shortly after the release of the album, and we had to sell some gear and ponder our future again.
Luckily for us, the dawn of the digital age has given the record a second life. The Guthrie Brothers album has been re-released on all the major digital music distribution systems, i.e., iTunes, Spotify, Napster, etc., so you can experience it yourself!
Our journey continues as we take the message of harmony directly to the people in our shows and events. We’re writing and working on another album, and we’re determined to be as dedicated to our roots as Pink and her hairdresser are to hers.

Over the years, we’ve been featured on recordings by John Phillips, Cameo, Felix Cavaliere and Joe Lynn Turner, and we’ve had the pleasure of sharing the stage with John Mellencamp, Taj Mahal, Peter Yarrow, Charlie Pride, Joan Osborne, Lisa Loeb, Steve Forbert, Maria Muldaur, Jon Pousette-Dart, Bryan White and John Berry, among others.
Our music was featured in several episodes of the NBC hit television series Las Vegas, and in the feature film Some Fish Can Fly.
We’ve also lent our skills and voices to commercials for Citibank, Kellogg’s, Helene Curtis and El Paso (the taco sauce, that is).